Be encouraged, He notices

I just want you to notice! 

This was how my 30-year-old fit began a few weeks ago. Kevin was still teaching summer school and I was desperately looking forward to him being home. On this particular day, I had decided to clean…and I mean really clean the house. And if I’m being completely honest, this was the first time since we lost our hospice house cleaner that I actually cleaned. I’m not going to remind you of how long ago Miss Lucy left.

Needless to say, I was excited for Kevin to come home and see just how hard I had worked. On a therapy day mind you. He had been home for about 30 minutes when my wheels fell off.

How could he be here this long and NOT notice?!?

It was in the midst of my tantrum (when I found myself using the inaccurate phrase “you never”) that I realized I was the one at fault here. I had placed expectations on Kevin and ultimately fell into the trap of working for him, instead of for the Lord.

Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

How often do we forget that truth?

Since I’ve become a stay at home mom, I’ve found myself missing the affirmations of the job I left. Teaching is a great calling- one with multiple and tangible rewards. And for the past few years, I’ve struggled with the fact that no one notices just how hard I’m still working.

Maybe you’ve felt that way too?

But the Truth is, God notices.

He was there yesterday when you carted all the kids across town and back for their activities. He was there with you today when you did that 3rd load of laundry even though you didn’t get much sleep the night before. And He’ll be there with you tomorrow when you’re weak and weary from the meals you’ve prepared, the fights you’ve mediated, and the errands you’ve run.

Hear me say this friend…God notices all you do!

My husband is the best man on this planet. But he’s not my God. And as hard as it is, we have to remember that everything we do is for the glory of Jesus. When we do for others (no matter how big or small), we are serving Christ!! If we are working for anyone else, we will be disappointed and eventually we will become bitter.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

Be encouraged, He notices you and all you do.


12 thoughts on “Be encouraged, He notices

  1. Thank you yet again for speaking life. Your words touched my heart and were a salve for hurts I hold on to. Thanks for the reminder to turn my eyes and heart to the one I need to serve. Your journey and gift in writing have been a blessing. I hope you know this road is for far beyond just your walk. Thanks for daily carrying it onward and by that helping others to carry on as well. ❤️

    1. Amy, your words are so encouraging. Thanks for taking the time to walk alongside us in this. I’m always blessed by your comments. 🙂

  2. You brought tears to my eyes, dear one! Too often that has been me! Thanks for the reminder, it’s all for Jesus!
    Love you,
    Anita Curtis

  3. Such an appropriate reminder for each and everyone of us! Thanks in the midst of your busy day to share His Word to help us to remember, too! His Word helped clean out some of my spiritual cob webs! 🙂

    Have a great Saturday in your nice, clean house. Enjoy your time together with your family.

  4. Thanks for this post it was great! I think all mom’s need this. It is a completely different feeling when you are a stay at home mom, there is so much stuff that we do that never gets noticed. But I love how you say “God Notices” it’s so true. I just thought the other day that God knows exactly how I feel, me being a “woman” and all. A lot of time you would think, God you don’t know I how I feel I’m a girl. But He’s the one who created us feelings and all. Every once in a while I’ll have to tell my husband when you notice this can you tell me, or when you’re thinking this or that can you say something. I’ve been trying to reaffirm Him when he does say stuff that I’m glad he said that or noticed that. I just need to keep reminding me that God sees it all.

    1. Well said Jacey. 🙂 I’m always encouraged by your comments and hope to someday meet you and your precious family. God bless!

    1. Thanks Carol! I love you so!! You have done and continue to do so much for the ones you love. It does not nor will it ever go unnoticed by Him. 🙂 You’re wonderful.

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