

Yesterday was Gideon’s follow up appointment with the ENT. When we saw him three weeks ago, we discovered that Gideon had a chronic build up of fluid behind his ear drum. They prescribed him some meds and he was to be seen back in 3 weeks to discuss & schedule tubes.

Yesterday’s appointment was supposed to be just a formality- check the ears and schedule the ear tube surgery. However, we were unprepared for what the doctor had to say..

I think unpredictable is a great word to describe my son. In fact I think unpredictable is a great word to describe PBD…as well as life in general.

After looking into both ears the doctor was extremely surprised- one ear was 100% clear and the other was 80% clear. He said he was shocked because it’s very rare that a patient will surprise him. Yesterday, Gideon was that patient.

So we will go back to the ENT in 6 weeks just to make sure his ears haven’t filled back up.

My take away lesson from yesterday is that most things in life are unpredictable. I think that’s why Scripture teaches us not to worry about tomorrow. Often times we have no control over the circumstances that come our way- we CAN however control our response to them.

Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in The Lord Always..” Hard truth, yet effective, appropriate, and necessary for all of life’s unpredictable circumstances…good and bad.

8 thoughts on “Unpredictable

  1. Hi Samantha! I just read your blog and felt so joyful! I think the ears not being blocked is good right? I have been praying for your little mighty warrior for whatever healing God wills among other things 🙂 and I am so happy to see His hand at work in this unpredicted way!! I have a teenage son – talk about unpredictable – and I have had a harder time rejoicing due to some concerns this week. What a wonderful reminder your blog was. I had placed my son in God’s hand and entrusted Him. But wasn’t really working on the rejoice and praising part. Thanks so much for the reminder!
    In Him who holds us all,

    1. Amy, this is great news indeed!! Thank you so much for your continued prayers. I should be praying for you!!..Teenagers are definitely unpredictable!! Bless you in this season of life.. I hear it’s tough. Thanks for reading and commenting!
      God bless!

  2. That is great news!! I just love Gideon!! I have his “button” on my bathroom counter and look at his sweet face everyday and say a prayer for him and your family!!

    1. Thanks Jill! We are pretty excited about this news and we appreciate your continued prayers. 🙂

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