I did all the things right tonight.
Gideon got his Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil, he got his bath, his magnesium, his lympathic massage… I checked his 27 night-time-routnine-boxes. But it didn’t seem to matter. You see, Gideon was up Sunday night so I just knew he was gonna be tired and sleep all night Monday night ..
Boy was I wrong.
That stinker woke up in the middle of the night laughing and I was salty about it. Here’s a 4 minute video of Gideon’s Midnight Shenanigans. (He’s got a thing for my hair.)
Irregular sleep is just one not-so-cool part of Gideon’s diagnosis. He’s done SO much better in the past few years regarding sleep. Now, when he wakes up, he goes back to sleep within an hour or so. But on some rare occasions, he reverts back to his first 6 years of life (where being up for 3, 4 or 5 hours in the middle of night was a normal occurrence). ðŸ˜
I’m not as angry these days about him waking up. I know my days with him will be considerably shorter than they will be with my other kids. In times like these, I remember my friends who have already lost their children to horrible genetic conditions and diseases. I can only imagine what they would give for just one more sleep deprived night with their child.
So as I hold Gideon close, I thank God for these hard nights. And then I pray for my friends whose arms will never again hold their children this side of heaven. I can’t even fathom.. 💔