So basically my husband’s elementary school is better than any other school in the world. I’m serious. Ever since we found out about Gideon’s diagnosis, they have done one thing after another to help raise awareness and support for our little guy. First they had a Rangers Game Fundraiser (I’m still working on thank yous for that one) and now they are having a “Kiss the Pig” fundraiser.
Yes, I said Kiss the Pig. Let me explain.
One of Kevin’s co-workers, Mrs. Elms, came to us and said that Gideon’s story had touched her heart in a big way and she wanted to do something big in return for Gideon. She had an idea (and friend who owned a pig) and this is what she presented to the Abbett staff and the GISD Superintendent!! Basically every teacher (classroom and specials), office staff, and administration have a pink bucket. The kids bring their loose change and put it in the bucket of the staff member they want to see kiss this real-live pig. Pretty funny huh? Not sure if the teachers think so, but as it turns out, the kids LOVE the idea!
They loved it so much that many of the kids have come up to my husband to tell him that they are walking dogs or babysitting in order to raise money to put in their teacher’s bucket. One little boy is making bracelets and selling them for $0.15 so he can put that money in his teacher’s bucket.
Doesn’t that just bless your heart????
The sweet teacher who organized this had t-shirts and buttons made to sell as well that say “Team Up for Gideon.” So in addition to the change the kids have brought and t-shirt/button sales, they have already raised a ridiculous amount of money. We won’t know the final total until this coming Monday afternoon at the assembly. From my understanding, one teacher from each grade level, one teacher from specials (crossing my fingers it’s my husband-he’s PE), and one administrator will be kissing this pig.
This will probably be one of the funniest moments of 2013 for us. I hear my husband is in the lead, which is GREAT because he’s such a germ-a-phobe!!! We don’t even own a pet, that’s how germ-a-phobey he is.Β Don’t let the smile below fool you. When he got home he said, with a look of disgust, “When I was holding the pig for photos it was squirming all around and I was trying not to touch its teets!”
I was rolling!! And you can tell in the picture he’s trying to so hard not to touch the pigs “teets!” I can only image how long it took him to wash his hands (and the bend of his right arm, where the pigs butt is resting) after this photo was taken. I would venture to guess he scrubbed all the way up to his arm pits!!

But in all seriousness, my husband and I are often times moved to tears by the selfless actions of others. This school truly has “teamed up for Gideon.” But I think there is more going on than just helping out our little boy.
Mrs. Elms nailed it when she said “Gideon is bringing people together.” I think that is what happens in the wake of someone’s storm. We see communities come together all the time just because of what someone else is going through. Many of these kids and parents have never met our little boy, only his dad.
What we are going through as a family has impacted the lives of those around us. Many people have stepped forward to love a family they have never met or maybe only half met. Either way, it just goes to show you that tragedy at it’s core produces a love like no other.
Thank you Abbett Elementary for Teaming up for our sweet Gideon. You’ve done more than just bless us…you’ve taught hundreds of children what it means to unite for something bigger than themselves.
You’re teaching a generation to be selfless.
You’re teaching a generation to care about others.
You’re showing a generation what it means to love! And that’s something our world desperately needs demonstrated.
We are so thankful.
We usually only hear of all the bad in the world. How refreshing to read of the goodness of people. What awesome people Kevin works with. Hoping he gets to kiss that pig. Continuing to pray for your sweet family.
Thanks Jo! Stay tuned because I bet he has to kiss that pig and you know I’m going to record it!! π
OMG I laughed until I cried about this post. Thanks for the giggles. I needed it today. I CANNOT WAIT to see daddy pucker up!
π Me too!! Thanks again for all you’ve done!!
This is absolute greatness! HAHA! I cant wait to hear all the details and the photos!!! How wonderful!
π I will definitely be posting about it after it happens!! Lol.
I think it is fair to say that all of you in your family are learning what an impact you have had on those around you because of the love that others feel compelled to bestow on your family. It is unfortunate that we have to suffer challenges to learn how loved we are, but what a blessing to know that being a “good person” a “loving person” a “giving person” is reciprocated by others. I think Gideon has a wonderful community surrounding his family.
Thanks Patricia! You’re so right, our community has been wonderful!!
Thanks for sharing your wisdom! π God bless!