As I sit here this evening reflecting back on the events of today, I am overwhelmed with joy. There is so much love here….an abundance of love that never ceases to flow.
Family retreat day 2 was awesome! Today’s big events included the big swing, fishing, swimming, a giant slip-n-slide, and a Pirates and Princesses dance. The staff and volunteers have gone above & beyond to make this fun for the kids and relaxing for the parents.
I think my favorite thing about camp is the immediate relationships that are formed here. It’s like a family reunion with people you’ve just met; except I feel like I have known these people my entire life. And the best part is that they get my sick sense of humor!! When the spoon misses Gideon’s mouth and I say, “Well he didn’t see that one coming!” they laugh!! Apparently my blind jokes are funny here!
Speaking of immediate relationships, Laynie has bonded (and I mean like gorilla glue) to a sweet teenager named MaKayla. Since we got here, they have been inseparable. Tonight Laynie told her, “I’m so glad my brother has a genetic disorder because if he didn’t, we wouldn’t have come to this camp & I wouldn’t have met you!!”
Yall….I can’t even begin to tell you how significant her statement was to me. During adult chapel time this morning the speaker challenged us parents to really quiet our spirits long enough to see our children’s circumstances through God’s eyes.
Do we recognize that our circumstances serve a unique purpose in this world?
Apparently my 5 year-old does.
***For more pictures and videos visit my Life with a Happy Heart FB page. You don’t want to miss the video of Laynie when the DJ played…. Let it Go.