Gideon has an ABR scheduled this morning at 9 am. Auditory Brainstem Response is a fancy name for a hearing test and he has to be sedated for it…which means he has to fast- both food and rest. 🙁
He had an ABR back in September and it showed that he had moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. Because Gideon has PBD chances are his hearing will continue to get worse.
I’m not really worried about it…just frustrated. Days like these I can’t help but look into the future. I don’t visit the future much because it makes me sad. Days like these remind me that things will only get harder as time goes on.
It’s so easy to fall into a pit of despair on days like these- when I feel out of control; when I feel alone; when I feel beat down by the road I’m on. I’m sure you can relate.
I listen to KLove and/or Air1 in the mornings on my phone because I need to be filled with as much of Jesus as I can. The song that was playing just now was by Unspoken. Fitting song for how I’m feeling this morning. Maybe you need to hear it too. It’s called Lift My Life Up.
You brought me this far
So why would I question You now
You have provided
So why would I start to doubt
I’ve never been stranded, abandoned
Or left here to fight alone
So I’m giving You control
I lift my life, lift my life up
I give it all in surrender
I lift my heart, lift my heart up
You can have it forever
All my dreams, all my plans
Lord,†I leave it in Your hands
I lift my life, lift my life up
Have Your way in me
Have Your way in me
If peace is a river let it sweep over me
If I’m under fire I know it’s refining me
When I hear You calling out I follow now
Wherever the road may go
I know You’re leading me home
Take my life let it be
All for You
Take my life let it be
All for You
Lord, it’s so hard to do..but I’m surrendering my little man to You (again) this morning…and every morning. Help me to relinquish control as I trust in You. I pray for those reading this morning- that You would help them to do the same. You know what they’re facing. You’re not surprised by any of our circumstances or choices. Thank You for loving & forgiving us… even though we sometimes struggle to trust and love You. Amen.