My favorite part of Facebook is the Memories. Most of the time, I scroll through them and laugh. But today, this was the post and photo marked, one year ago.
Hard to believe one year ago, Gideon contracted a virus that led to hospice & funeral planning. Since he was 7 months old, we have known that one day we will bury our boy. And while I cannot fathom the grief, despair, and utter devastation of my heart when that day comes, I trust that the Lord will carry us through.
Psalm 139 reminds us that all our days were ordained before we ever came to be. And while we do not live with a spirit fear, we do love & live each day as though any day could be our last.
As I reflect back on this time last year I’m reminded of just how loved we are as a family. Not only by our sweet Savior Jesus, but by our family, friends and church body. We are so thankful to be a part of Crosspoint Community Church. They truly were the hands and feet of Jesus during such a difficult time.
We are also thankful for our social media followers who sent such love and encouragement from all over the world. It gives my heart such joy to know that our sweet Gideon has impacted your lives even though you have never met him.
So thank you all for following our journey. We hope to keep you smiling & laughing with videos of Gideon and his siblings for years to come; but most of all, we pray for God to be glorified in how we walk this journey out. ♥️