Counting Down the Days

We are roughly one month away from our annual trip to Joni and Friends Family Retreat at Camp Allen! It’s the highlight of our year and we are counting down the days until we can be reunited with families who experience life like we do.

A few weeks ago, Kevin and I had the opportunity to share our testimony of how Joni and Friends has impacted our lives and the lives of our children. I’d like to share a small portion of what we said at that J&F event in Houston.

Being at family retreat really wrecks you in the best possible way. This summer will be our 9th camp and I already know what’s going to happen when we pull up and see the welcome parade. I’m gonna lose it…like the don’t-wear-make-up-because-I’m-about-to-ugly-cry kind of lose it. I’m going to see the Folmars, the Strouds, Becky & all the STMs…and I’m going to ball my eyes out. However, it’s interesting because when we leave after that 5th day, I don’t shed a single tear. And I have short theory about this-

Upon arrival, it hits me, just how much my parched soul has longed for a break; an oasis from the day-to-day tasks around Gideon’s care. I know that God is about to rain down manna through the hands and feet of these precious STM’s and I just feel overwhelmed with thankfulness. But when it’s time to go home, I leave with a deep-rooted sense of fullness; the kind you feel after a feast. That’s because Joni & Friends provides not only incredible food for the stomach and but healing nourishment for the weary soul.  

Several years ago, it dawned on Laynie that we only get to go to Family Retreat as long as Gideon is alive. And right then, at the age of 7, she loving told me, “I hope Gideon lives a long time so we can always go to family retreat… but if he doesn’t it’ll be okay, because we can still come back as STM’s, right mom?”

We may be partial because we are on the receiving side of what camp has to offer for now, but we believe there is not a more worthy ministry to support than J&F. All those years ago, Laynie understood the impact that she could have by volunteering at Family Retreat. Turns out, she didn’t have to wait for her little brother to go home to be with Jesus; because last summer, she attended camp as an STM, choosing to serve, rather than be served. And ever the leader that she is, she asked her cousin Addison, to volunteer alongside her.

As we drove out of camp, we asked the girls to tell us about their experience serving. Laynie led the conversation with, “I’ll never go back as just a family member. I only want to go if I can serve …and I’d like to serve all 3 weeks if possible.” Both our daughter and niece left Camp Allen with a greater understanding of what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And they’ve been counting down the days until they get to go back!

This ministry continues to change the trajectory of our entire family. When we started attending camp, it was because we just wanted a break. (And don’t get me wrong, we are still BEYOND grateful for the daily (9 am- 3 pm) respite that Kevin and I receive!) However, each year that we attend, the Lord continues to reveal that he’s doing more than just giving our family a fun and relaxing experience. He’s changing the hearts of my children.

Josiah (age 7) has already claimed that one day he will be the STM for his friend Aaron. And I have no doubt that he’ll reach that goal.

We are so thankful for the opportunities Joni and Friends have provided for our family throughout the years. The girls are eager to serve in July and I’m certain God is going to grow their faith and compassion even more.

If you’d like to support Laynie and Addison serving at Family Retreat this year, this cost is $475 per person. Below are the links for their individual fundraising pages. 100% of what is donated goes directly to their total… No fee’s are taken out.

Or if you’d like to write them a note of encouragement, you can address them to-

Life with a Happy Heart

PO Box 1335

Rockwall, TX 75087

Thanks for following our journey!

Also, here’s a few highlight videos from last year’s Family Retreat!