Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been struggling with the lie that I’m not a good mom. Mostly because people had asked me what we were doing for Gideon’s 2nd birthday. I feel as though there were some pretty big expectations, given his diagnosis. I would shrink & deflate awaiting judgement as I would tell them we’re not doing anything big.
Don’t get me wrong, each birthday for him is super important; no one is more aware of that fact than I am. I don’t like throwing big parties anyways, and since Gideon can’t fully experience the decorations and the hype, a big party just seemed to be a waste. So we kept it low key this year and spent time with family. We had lunch at the Rock House and came back home for cake and ice cream….he did NOT like the cake. But he is an ice cream fan. (Check out my Facebook page to see a video of him crying once we finished singing happy birthday!)

Gideon has more toys that light up and vibrate than he knows what to do with…so for his birthday, Kevin and I got him this.
Yes, that is a car buffer. Let me explain. One of Gideon’s favorite times is when Dr. Traxler (our chiropractor) uses the percussor after his adjustment. The percussor is a vibration tool that frees up the fascia and allows it to flow smoothly again. From my understanding it helps relieve nerve pain (not that Gideon suffers from nerve pain). We basically do it because Gideon LOVES the vibration. So instead of spending $2,500 to buy a percussor, we spent $25 and got a car buffer. Does the same thing…kind of. Silly I know, but G loves it so that’s all that matters. (Don’t worry, he got other presents from our families.)
You’ll notice I wrapped his gift in bubble wrap. Because he’s blind opening gifts doesn’t make much sense. I thought if the wrapping was textured it would be more enjoyable and while he is smiling in the photos, it wasn’t as big of a hit as I was hoping for…oh well.
Overall we had a pretty great day celebrating our little dude. And when it was all said and done, I didn’t feel like a bad mom for not throwing a big party. In fact I was relaxed and stress free and coincidentally(?) Gideon laughed a lot today. Happy mama, happy baby. Maybe there’s something too that. 😉
Happy birthday Mighty Warrior.
You are loved by more people than you know.
🙂 Love you too!
Happy Birthday!! 2 is such a fun age! I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing mom! Being a mom is such an overwhelming job. I don’t think we could ever be all that we want to our kids and husbands. There is not enough time and not enough energy to do and be it all. I think it’s God reminding us how much we need Him to get through each day. I’m also reminded that He’s the one who gave me to my Husband and kids not some other person. I think we try to please other people so much that sometimes we forget why we are doing it in the first place am I doing things to make others happy or am I doing it to please God. I’m struggling with this now and have had a bad stubborn attitude because of it. But if I refocus it to God life seems much more simple.
Hope your week goes well and you’re able to get some sleep.
Thanks Jacey, well said!! I always appreciate your perspective and your encouragement!! Hope you have a great week as well! 🙂 Blessings to you and yours!
We had so much fun!!!