Special Needs Siblings are Special Too


For my Laynie:


I don’t know all special needs siblings, but I do know quite a few.

And I think it goes without saying, special needs siblings are special too.


You have an unique perspective- that only suffering could bring.

You can turn the darkest season into the brightest, most beautiful Spring.


You are patient and so kind- you do more than you’re asked to do.

You take on way more responsibility than typical siblings have to.


Your needs often come second, and though it is truly unfair-

Rarely do you complain, and you always show Gideon you care.


With him your sense of normal is definitely somewhat skewed.

But in place of society’s normal, God’s giving you a new view.


But as mature as you are for a child, you don’t yet fully know the cost.

To have a brother like yours…someday you will understand loss.


And when that dreaded day comes, we will try to explain to you why

Sometimes God allows children to be born sick and then to die.


We’ll never fully know why we were chosen for this story.

But I can promise you one thing, it will all be for God’s glory.


People will be changed because of what your brother is going through.

But how you show him compassion, will transform their hearts too.


You love him without condition and unknowingly, you light the way.

Your example is one we should follow each and every single day.


I thank God for you both and for the bond I can’t quite explain.

To be a special needs sibling, what joy in the midst of such pain.


Love always & forever,



“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4


8 thoughts on “Special Needs Siblings are Special Too

  1. Hello Samantha,
    I would love to post your poem in my special education office, please let me know if I have your permission. I’ve worked with many families and siblings of special needs children and you’ve beautifully demonstrated in words the heart of a mother living the reality of a special calling.
    Mary Jolicoeur Darrach

    1. Mary, thank you so much for your sweet words!! Of course you can! I hope it will bless others. 🙂

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