Yesterday, Gideon had a good day.
His intake increased and he even fed himself a Pediasure bottle! He also pooped four times yesterday! TMI? I don’t care. Also he was awake more yesterday than he’s been in a long time. It is a beautiful thing to see those bright blue eyes shine.
We will see the hospice nurse sometime today and I can’t wait to tell her how much better he’s doing. Nurse Kathy is the best. She’s the one who introduced us to my new favorite word for a diaper blowout. Are you ready for this?
(poo+tsunami =poonami)
You’re welcome.
Anyways, as I was looking over my calendar this week, it hit me. We still have a lot going on as a family. Life doesn’t just stop because someone we love is on hospice. Laynie will still go to her sewing class and volleyball. She and Josiah will still do school work. Josiah still needs to work on his potty training (Jesus help me!). Nya will still go to her 15 month check up. And Gideon still has all his needs plus a few extras now.
My point in rambling our schedule, is this: We are going to keep doing life, and we’re going to do hospice too. Life is not going to look the same as it did before; but we’re going to do it like we always have. We’re going to love each other fiercely, we’re going to make time & allowances for big emotions, and we are going to walk this out (for better or for worse) in a way that glorifies our merciful Creator.
God has been extremely gracious, faithful and sustaining to us over the years. That won’t change for us. Even if the healing (this side of Heaven) doesn’t come.
“…shall we accept only good from God, but never adversity?..” Job 2:10