Loving people can be difficult. Just ask the sweet waitress at a local restaurant we visited this evening. She had about a 10-top and from the time we sat down until the time we left, these people were unbelievably cruel. We watched as they complained again and again, sent food back, asked for the manager, belittled the manager, and then a few from that table had the nerve to walk out on their ticket.. after they enjoyed free desserts…and did I mention they took 3 to-go boxes!?
My heart was broken for their sweet waitress, but more so for our society. Everyone in the restaurant watched as the scene unfolded as if it were a play. The people at this table were laughing as the manager went back and forth trying to comp items on their ticket, like it was a game.
I feel a great sense of distress when people are manipulative. Don’t get me wrong, had there been a genuine complaint, I understand calling a manager into the situation. But what this group of adults did was wrong.
And do you want to know what I was thinking?
Jesus wants me to love them???
Maybe it’s Gideon, maybe it’s the hormones, but all I could think about was that the Bible commands us to love time and time again. (John 13:34-35, Romans 12:10, Romans 13:8, 2 Corinthians 13:11, should I keep going??) But the verse that came to my mind tonight was Ephesians 4:2 which says “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”
And that’s what this sweet waitress did tonight. While she was on the floor she was professional, patient and gentle. She showed the love of Christ despite how much she was belittled.
I normally would not blog about something like this but I just want that sweet girl to know something-
How you love the unlovable says a lot about your character. Tonight many people watched and empathized with you as others treated you less than your worth. Jesus died for all of us. I don’t know their story or yours. But I watched as you reflected Christ’s love and I want to encourage you to keep doing just that- even if others don’t deserve it. You never know who is watching. You never know who is praying you through. You never know when your love and compassion will save another.
I hope we all can have that kind of compassion and love for the unlovable. Because if we are honest with ourselves, aren’t we all unlovable from time to time?
Love you sweet girl,
I know! 🙂
I hope you send a copy of your heartfelt letter to her manager so he can share it with her because that incident could have been enough to make her insecure about her job as a waitress. I can’t imagine what could be happening in their lives to make them think their actions were appropriate, but hopefully they will attend a church tomorrow and rid themselves of satan’s influence and let Jesus into their hearts. God Bless
I spoke to the waitress & the manager on our way out. 🙂
Thank you for sharing this story. It’s a great reminder that we are called to love at the most difficult of times. Something I struggle with. God bless the sweet waitress who was a beautiful example of Christ and what we each are asked to be. I can only pray that I would have such strength in a similar situation.
I think we all do!! 🙂