

“Hang on… just a second…ย wait!!” I wonder how many times I say those words to my daughter on a given day. If I had to guess, I’d say too many.

I don’t like waiting. Who does? And yet, I expect my almost-four-year-old to wait-as if she was born with an infinite amount of patience!

It seems like she always wants me to play or watch her do something when I’m trying to take care of Gideon or the house. Many of those things are important and I can justify most of them. But isn’t my daughter just as important and worthy of my time? Absolutely!

Even as I type this my heart aches. You see, we have a behavior problem on our hands. Unfortunately the behavior problem lies with me, not Laynie.ย I’ve been feeding the lie that certain things need to get done at the expense of my children. Am I the only one guilty of this?

Obviously Laynie needs to wait if I’m feeding or changing Gideon, but why must she have to wait while I do household chores? Or worse, Facebook?? Sometimes things need to be done, but at the expense of losing time with my little girl and boy?? I think not!

I love Darius Rucker. His song puts it into perspective-

“He lays down there beside her, till her eyes finally close,
And just watching her it breaks his heart, cause he already knows,
It won’t be like this for long,
One day soon that little girl is gonna be all grown up and gone,
This phase is gonna fly by, if you can just hold on,
It won’t be like this for long.”

That song gets me every time…and with a sense of urgency. We’ve been given this precious time with our little ones. And they are only little for a moment, just ask an empty nester.

I’ve decided to make a conscious effort to stop asking my Laynie to wait. I’m also asking God help me realize in those moments that I don’t want to waste a second of her time on something that is far less important in the grand scheme of things.ย For Heavens sake, the laundry can wait! The phone calls can wait!! The time with our kids cannot wait!!

After all, if I’m not giving my kids the time and attention they need, some thing or someone else will. Time is the most valuable thing we can give them. It shows them we love them. It shows them we care. And most importantly it shows them that they matter.

And don’t we all long to know that we matter?

Let’s show our kids they matter. Let’s stop making them wait for our time.

10 thoughts on “Wait

  1. As moms, we are all working (hopefully) at not using the words asking our kids to not only have patience, but also to “hurry up” so we aren’t late. Reminding ourselves that we can only do the best we can is really the only thing we can do. You are doing an amazing job. And if that chore really needs to get done, ask her if she can help. So if you are putting clothes in the washer or dryer ask her if she can help you put them in there. If you are doing dishes, ask her if she can dry a dish for you while you finish up. My daughters love to help me with tasks as we talk about their day. As soon as we finish up, they get to show me what they want with no distractions.
    Have a blessed day and enjoy both Laynie and Gideon!

    1. You’re so right. I often find myself asking her to hurry as much as I ask her to wait. ๐Ÿ™ Thank you for your encouragement. And Laynie is great about helping! Folding Laundry is on her “Commission Worksheet” (Dave Ramsey for kids). She loves to help, but here lately it seems we clean more than we play. Thanks for messaging me!! I appreciate your wisdom! God bless you and yours!!

  2. Well said Sam, time is precious that’s for sure. Thanks for reminding us all that time is irreplaceable. Each moment missed is but a memory, be a part of that memory! ๐Ÿ™‚ She is adorable just like her little brother!

  3. Loved this! I feel the exact same way. I try to enjoy every single minute I possibly can with my two loves. They just make my heart SMILE.

  4. I’ve started following your blog through a post from Mama Laughlin and I just want to say how amazing your writing is! Always inspirational and so well put together. Praying for your family and sweet Gideon!

    1. Thank you Reanna!! I’m so thankful for Mama Laughlin and all she’s done for my family. I appreciate your kind words. ๐Ÿ™‚ God bless you and yours.

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