It’s been almost 2 years since we last visited an orthopedic specialist at Scottish Rite. We were originally referred shortly after Gideon was born because his toes were significantly curled in. (His big toe almost touched his littlest toe!) The doctor then didn’t seem too worried about his feet and suggested everything would straighten out once Gideon began to bear weight.
This past Wednesday we had a follow up appointment just to see how Gideon’s feet were progressing now that he’s starting to bear more weight during therapy. The doctor gave a great report and even suggested that Gideon doesn’t need his AFO’s (the braces that go in his shoes). That’s great news because Gideon hates them.
During the appointment we were able to ask about an economically friendly stander (aka: one that doesn’t cost thousands of dollars) for Gideon. We didn’t know this at the time, but the hospital has a loan program. And since they didn’t have the stander, they loaned us a type of walker for Gideon to try out. (See photo of above.)
We’ve used it a handful of times since Wednesday and unfortunately we will probably be taking it back sooner rather than later. Since Gideon has no vision there’s no real desire to make the walker go. But that’s not really our biggest concern. Because Gideon has such poor muscle tone and almost no fat, we are concerned about skin breakdown (pressure sores); especially around the area where he has a sacral dimple.
The black piece you see in the photo is really meant to “catch” kids if their legs buckle when walking. Unfortunately, Gideon uses it more like a seat and there’s not much support for his skinny, little-old-man-like booty.
We were fortunate that the hospital also loaned us a tumble form chair and tray!!
We have a tumble form chair that ECI had loaned us, but it didn’t have the proper straps to hold Gideon in place nor did it have the tray. I’m most excited about these two items, because they provide lots of options for us. Trying to play with Gideon is often times difficult. I’m usually holding him and a toy, all while trying to get him to manipulate the toy. Now I can sit both down and work with Gideon on reaching for the toys on his tray. We’ve been loaned these items for 6-12 months, at which time we can return them or ask for a loan extension.
I’m hoping to meet with a rep from Freedom Designs before Christmas. I really want to get Gideon his wheelchair. I’ll keep you updated on how all that goes!!
We are very thankful for so many blessings as we head into the holiday season.