There’s a great song by Matthew West called All the Broken Pieces. The entire song is amazing but I really love this part-
“‘Cause I can take even your greatest mistake
Every scar, every tear, every break
And I can turn it into something
More beautiful than you have ever seen”
Five years ago I made several mistakes that led to an unplanned pregnancy. And to make matters worse, the baby’s father abandoned me because of it. Not many people know this about me, but I personally wrestled with the idea of having an abortion. I just couldn’t foresee how any of this would possibly turn out for good. Since either choice would be life changing, I decided to put myself in counseling…immediately.
Because I didn’t hide my circumstances and because of my amazing family and supportive friends, I was able (and accountable) to make the decision with confidence to trust God. And I’m so thankful I had the encouragement to see the journey through.
When I tell you God is good, it comes from a place of wholehearted sincerity and experience. I was so broken, so scared, and so completely shattered. Even though I had a support system, the man I loved wasn’t by my side; so I still felt all alone. But what I learned at that time in my life has stuck with me to this very day- When we get to a place where God is all we have, it’s then we finally realize, that He is all we will ever truly need.
Today Kevin (that man who abandoned me) and I celebrate 3 years of marriage. (Happy Anniversary babe!!) Our story is not the norm, but it is one of redemption. In fact, God is the only reason Our Story turned out the way it did.
Some of you reading right now may have recently been broken. Or perhaps you have old scars you’ve been hiding. Maybe your circumstances are such that the tears won’t stop and the wounds won’t heal. What is it in your life that you think God could not possibly reconcile? Can I make you a promise? There is nothing…and I mean nothing, that God cannot rebuild, redeem, or restore… But we have to trust Him to do so…And then we actually have to let Him work. (Romans 8:28)
When we hand over the reigns, the most amazing thing happens. He takes those broken pieces and puts them back together into something more beautiful than we’ve ever seen.
Our worst mistakes can turn out to be our biggest blessings.
I want to encourage you to make the choice to trust God with your broken pieces. It’s hard to let go and let God take over. But I promise you’ll be glad you did..
We sure are.