I hate detours. In my opinion they are one of the most frustrating things in the world.
Seriously, you have a destination in mind and you have already planned how you will get there. You’re going along and all of a sudden you find your chosen path is shut down & you must now find another way.
This happened to me yesterday… twice!! I was taking Gideon to therapy and had to turn around from my chosen path because of an unexpected detour. I made the decision to head down a different road only to find that my alternate route was also blocked with yet another detour.
Since I was already 30 minutes late, I made the decision that Gideon’s therapy was not where we were meant to go that day. So I turned my car in the opposite direction of therapy and we went somewhere else entirely.
I feel like detours have popped up many times in my life recently. Maybe you feel the same. Life doesn’t always go as planned and if we’re honest, we hate that- because ultimately that means we cannot not always be in control.
Ever since Gideon made his arrival 15 months ago, I feel like we’ve been forced down one big detour that has only led to several more detours. Just when we think we’ve found our way, we hit another road block.
Our most recent detour has to do with Gideon eating. He was eating 9 oz of food per day plus three 8 oz bottles. He is still taking his bottles but now eats 1-3 oz of food each day. Granted this isn’t terrible like it was in January (when he wasn’t eating or drinking) but it’s still a detour that causes frustration and concern.

But I think figured out the remedy for detours.
Yesterday as I turned around for the second time, I finally asked God, “What plans do you have for us today?” After all Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
While I didn’t get an audible answer from Him, I did get a phone call from my mom.
She asked if we could all go to Chuck-E-Cheese (something Laynie has been begging to do for sometime now). So that’s what we did. We threw out our daily routine and spent some much needed family time laughing and playing. Which as it turns out, was something I desperately needed.
Yesterday’s detour turned out better than the road I was on. Isn’t it interesting how even life’s biggest detours lead to some of the biggest blessings? Gideon’s life touching others is just one example.
I guess it’s my hope that whatever detours you’re facing you realize that there’s purpose and meaning for it. Maybe you’re being redirected because there’s nothing for you down the road that you’re on.
We are learning everyday to trust that the Lord’s plans are greater than anything we could come up with on our own. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
Detours may cause frustration but every time they produce growth & an opportunity to seek His will… And ultimately His blessings.
Better learn to embrace the detours.