I must admit I had a pretty good morning. I got to workout, shower and eat breakfast all before Kevin left for work. THAT my friends is a successful morning around here- especially since Gideon wakes up between 5 and 6 demanding to be held and attended to every second that he’s awake.
When I got home from my 5 am workout Gideon was doing his high pitch squeal to let me know he was ready to get his morning started. I laid him on the changing table and stuck the bottle in his mouth. For some reason, I didn’t have everything “ready” so changing his diaper took a bit longer than usual and this is a problem for Gideon.
Let me explain why.
Gideon has the ability to hold his own bottle without any assistance for, at most, 60 seconds while he’s lying down- which means my diaper changing skills have to be quick. It’s like I’m defusing a bomb while the Mission Impossible theme song is playing in background. The reason he can only hold it for such a short time is for two reasons- 1) he has low muscle tone due to PBD and 2) Gideon has to press on his eyes every few minutes due to his visual impairment.
Anyways, as I fumbled through a long & embarrassing diaper change, Gideon kept dropping his bottle and crying. He was hungry, tired of holding his bottle and he had a deep desire to put pressure on his eyes. The reason I tell you this is because I found myself beyond frustrated. I think at 14 months old my little boy should be holding his own bottle longer than 60 seconds, right?!?!
Thankfully in the midst of my frustration the Lord reminded me that those 60 seconds that Gideon could hold his bottle were not a burden, but a blessing. I can’t tell you how many moms I know that wish their babies could hold their bottles for at least 5 seconds. Or how about the mamas out there who wish their babies with feeding tubes could simply drink out of a bottle??
In my frustration and in my self pity, the Lord showed me that my burden was actually my blessing.
What burdens you today? What are you carrying around or facing that seems to be weighing you down? Can I loving suggest that you try a different perspective? Maybe the Jesus wants you to see what a blessing your burden really is.
It’s by no coincidence that my P31 workout instructor this morning quoted Mathew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Pray and ask God to remove the veil from your eyes. Whatever you see as a burden in your life, whatever brings frustration, chances are there’s a blessing in the midst of all of it.
Choose to see it.